Crystal Temple

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Lina VS Gaav
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: A2
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Added 5/22/2016
Updated 1/9/2019
Lina attacks the fallen dark lord Gaav with the only spell she can count on, the Ragna Blade, in this exciting scene from episode 22!
Whoa! The only cel in the sequence, and a pan cel at that! The weird thing is that it is missing the layer with his arm and the Ragna Blade on it! Where would it possibly go?
Maybe an animator had a macabre sense of humor, since he does lose the arm...
I find Gaav is super rare, even moreso than Hellmaster, and he's my second favorite dark lord, so I jumped when I saw this for sale.

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Curator: sletia
Gallery Created: 3/10/2005
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